
Showing posts from September, 2018

REVIEW: PART II - L'Oreal's pure clay mask [Hydration mask]

HELLOOOOOOOOO! Its been ages since my last product review, my apologies :| Firstly, I'm so glad that L'Oreal Pure Clay Mask range is finally available in  Malaysia for the past few good months, and after countless jars of Detox and Purify masks from Watsons. Plus point is, THERE IS A HYDRATION MASK ! Back in Thailand, I only saw Detox, Purify and Brighten, no Hydration but TA-DAAA! I've got one in my hand now... was so excited that I tried it on the day I got my parcel from Hermo Malaysia 😍 Now, let's get back to 'business' shall we ;) The price remains at RM42.90  (this is from L'Oreal's official website here , others depending on sales/promos by different pharmacies/stores) but HOORAYYY Hermo just had cyber-sale tagging only RM20 each !!! Take my monehhh and I got half a dozen of it! *forgive my over-reactions okay Hmm.. the printed information of the mask contents aren't as detail as the previous ones that I got from Thailand. Any...